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For Growing in Knowledge of the Faith

  • 24 Hours of Fulton J. Sheen: The audio from Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen's radio-show Life Is Worth Living is available, and serves as a wide-reaching yet basic overview of many parts of our Catholic Faith --Venerable Sheen's words of wisdom have had a profound influence on my life, and was a large part of what developed a genuine interest and excitement for my Catholic faith!
  •  Catholic Answers is a Catholic Apologetic website working both to explain and defend the faith through videos, radio-shows, magazines, forums, tracts and online articles. -- Once published This Rock magazine (now Catholic Answers Magazine,) which I absolutely ate up growing up. Its a wonderful place to go if you find yourself curious or unsure about what the Church teaches or some part of our Catholic teaching and tradition means. 

For Growing  in Your Spiritual Life

  • Masstimes.org: a website for finding out when and where the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass is being offered the world over. -- It's absolutely easy to use, and I took full advantage of it when I moved to an new diocese. It makes it easy to find time to spend with our Lord in the Eucharist while on a trip, or visiting relatives!
  • Prayer For Discernment: JPG of a short chaplet-prayer that is prayed on the rosary to foster love and trust in God. -- I was lead to this by a friend, and it has been a staple in my 'prayer diet' for almost two years, now. The consolation and peace that it has brought me are beyond calculation. 

For Pursuing Chastity

  • Integrity Restored: provides education, encouragement, and resources to, break free from pornography, heal relationships, and to assist parents in preventing and responding to pornography exposure which is so devastating in the lives of our children. -- Incredible resource for those struggling, or who know someone struggling, with temptation/addiction to pornography.
  • Courage: An international apostolate of the Catholic Church, which ministers to persons with same-sex attractions and their family and friends. -- An approved apostolate of the Catholic Church that emphasizes faithfulness to Church teaching in regards to living a chaste life. 

More to come!*

*If there are other good resources you know of that you feel belong under one of these headings, please send it to me via one of the methods on Contact Me and let me in on your Catholic/Christian savvy! 

For My Weird Idea of Fun: 

  • Librivox: A place where you can listen to unlimited, free, public domain audiobooks! -Stream or download your favorite classic books, or volunteer to read aloud your own; Try The Man Who Was Thursday or Phantastes! 
  • Gutenberg Project: Another great place full of free, public domain books -- I like to download ebooks of a dozen different genres, and its a wide collection of books and authors. Edgar Rice Burroughs or Jane Austen are particularly good!