My final post in this series I'm genuinely sorry, guys. I had all five posts written before I even started publishing this series, but The Fifth mystery is the most important to me, and a little bit harder to write on. (The original are here: 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th.) The Fifth, however, didn't post as scheduled, or else wasn't visible to non-admins (I'm not sure, yet, which happened...) but it triggered a re-evaluation of it that I think was needed. I have shucked multiple drafts of that post, and have learned quite a bit of humility along the way.
I want to share with all of you not just what the The Fifth Luminous Mystery is, (The Institution of the Eucharist) but also what it may mean to us, and why it's ultra relevant to our lives today... Considering that the Blessed Sacrament is literally the Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity of Him who we pursue and worship, it would seem to be harder to explain why it ISN'T relevant! But when someone is 'your everything,' how in the name of the heaven do you convey how truly they are 'your All?' The Eucharist isn't something you can typety-type into a neat combox manifesto. His Eucharistic Body, the Supper that was his very gift of self 1982ish years ago overawes me. How do I start?
I've returned from my unintentional hiatus, thanks for being patient. A lot of things are getting dredged up as I meditate and work on this. Good things, bad things, things that are hard to admit. But that's good, since this is supposed to be a "Chronicle of my daily attempts to point back to Christ." Please pray for me, as I write this! Heck, Maybe even pray the Fifth Luminous Mystery!
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